What do you “Do”, is not as important as..

Well…..I’ll get to that. But back to the first part.


How many times have you been asked, “So, what do you do?”.  Probably several. And it can have MANY answers. For profit, non-profit, volunteer, etc. It goes on and on. Most of the answers are near and dear to our hearts because of what they give us. And most are important because of what they allow us to give the world.


But there is a more important question than “What do you do?


It is “Who are you?”. 


And you better have an answer for it.


Why do you ask?


Because you are more than “What you do”. In you is the power to accomplish amazing things. And as you become more than a “What”, you start to learn your God given gifts and talents. Riches that can better the world, and in turn bring happiness and joy to your life and your loved ones.


More than ever, our world needs more people stretching, learning, failing courageously, and growing. 


More. Than. Ever.


“What” you do is important. And necessary. “Who” you are becoming will enhance the “What” and open doors in all areas of your life.


Who am I you ask?


I am a person trying to be a better person every day of my life.




Who are you?






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