Delete…..Delete…..Unless it serves you

Sometimes you just gotta step back and evaluate. And that sometime should be every day. Every day our life is changing. Drastically at times. Why not course correct on a daily basis with it?

A great coach once said “hide nothing”. Simple words. And to the point. Less is more.

For a few weeks I have been clearing mental space and getting things in order in my life. And re-evaluating what is truly important. The universe will guide you if you listen to it. It wants you to prosper. Cut out the garbage noise and you will hear it.

Your vision for your life should be solid. HOW you achieve it WILL change over time. Never be afraid of course correction. It is the only way to prosper and experience true joy and love.

Music is a part of me. And always will be. As I step up and out more I realize there is more to offer and give. My means is through music and creativity. It is never just a “song” or a “creation”. It is a vessel that can be the start of something amazing in your life.

Create your soundtrack for your life. It has always been in you.



5 Simple Steps

For Writing a Creative Song & Using it as a Gift

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